
Snow Tha Product - "Problems"

"Can Women Rap?" is clickbait horseshit for halfwits; a foregone conclusion for anyone else. The answer is Hell Yeah, traditionally served with a chaser of Dumb Question.

That said, you know...so what?

Only a bigot would think women can't be every bit as talented, technically accomplished, formulaic and boring as male rappers. Snow Tha Product is proof of that much. For years now, she's had the ol' Mathers trick down of making the cadence flow better than the actual rhymes. Once you listen closely, it's just a bunch of 16th-note chopping covering single-syllable raps, with some multi flurries at the end of every verse for show. But the whole point of a music video is preventing that kind of linear analysis.

Whether you're performing in front of a camera, in a wrestling ring, or on some shitty club stage: you gotta hit your cues. Snow Tha Product is impeccably professional. But past skills - and the hunger to be recognized for those skills - there's not a lot there aside from Tha Product.

Not to say that shit is her fault. "Authenticity" is just a mashup of music video poses and wherever you grew up, right? This rap game makes Lifestyle Brands of us all. The video works, the charisma is there, the fanbase will keep growing until she starts talking shit about Jews running the music industry in mid-2018.

Whenever this particular emcee starts doing mushrooms and stops giving a fuck about the culture, things will get very interesting, indeed. Until then, all product tastes the same.

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